President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Bush Hypocrisy is Consistent or Increasing?

President Bush earlier this week attacked his opponent, saying "It's hard to imagine a candidate running for President prefers the stability of a dictatorship to the hope and security of democracy."[1] Yet, it is President Bush who regularly declares his personal friendship and gratitude to some of the world's most oppressive dictators, often wining and dining them at hisranch in Texas.In June of 2004, Bush referred to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia as "my friend,"[2] even though the Saudi Arabian government has been investigated for its financial ties to the 9/11 terrorists[3] and is listed by the U.S. State Department as one of the world's most oppressive regimes on the planet.[4]In April, he referred to the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as "my friend" and welcomed him to the Crawford ranch by saying "I always look forward to visiting with him."[5] Bush gave this praise to a dictator, even though Human Rights Watch notes that government "torture in Egypt is widespread and systemic"[6] and the State Department says Mubarak has passed a Constitution in which the electorate is barred from being "presented with a choice among competing presidential candidates."[7]In 2002, it was Bush who said "I want to welcome the President of China to our ranch, and to Texas."[8] Bush was inviting into his home a dictator who, according to the U.S. State Department, presides over a government that regularly engages in the "arbitrary or unlawful" murder of its own citizens, kidnappings of political dissidents, and repression of religious minorities.[9]Sources:1. "President's Remarks at Victory 2004 Rally in New York City," The White House, 9/20/04, "President Bush Holds Press Conference Following the G8 Summit," The White House, 6/10/04, "Saudi Government Provided Aid to 9/11 Hijackers, Sources Say,", 8/02/03, "Saudi Arabia: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2003," U.S. Department of State, 2/25/04, "President Bush, Egyptian President Mubarak Meet with Reporters," The White House, 4/12/04, "Egypt: Human Rights Background," Human Rights Watch, 10/2001, "Egypt: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2003," U.S. Department of State, 2/25/04, "President Bush, Chinese President Jiang Zemin Discuss Iraq, N. Korea," The White House, 10/25/02, "China: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2003," U.S. Department of State, 2/25/04, for more about Bush Administration distortion. »

Bush Truth Slipped Out

In response to a question about Iraq here, Bush misspeaks -- "I think the world would be better off if we did leave" -- but corrects himself quickly ("if we didn't").

Must concentrate; stay on message; I'm God's own candidate; I'm never wrong and I'll never say I'm sorry; I can sleep because I never worry about anybody but me or my leader Dick.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Kerry on Letterman Top 10 List: Bush Tax Proposals

Kerry's "Top 10 Bush Tax Proposals" are:

10. No estate tax for families with at least two U.S. presidents.
9. W-2 Form is now Dubya-2 Form.
8. Under the simplified tax code, your refund check goes directly to Halliburton.
7. The reduced earned income tax credit is so unfair, it just makes me want to tear out my lustrous, finely groomed hair.
6. Attorney General (John) Ashcroft gets to write off the entire U.S. Constitution.
5. Texas Rangers can take a business loss for trading Sammy Sosa.
4. Eliminate all income taxes; just ask Teresa (Heinz Kerry) to cover the whole damn thing.
3. Cheney can claim Bush as a dependent.
2. Hundred-dollar penalty if you pronounce it "nuclear" instead of "nucular."
1. George W. Bush gets a deduction for mortgaging our entire future.

Bush Wanted Case for Saddam; People Get Killed

In his effort to claim he is the strongest candidate on national security, President Bush has lately been speaking a lot about how he is doing everything possible to track down terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi[1] - the man thought to be responsible for escalating attacks on U.S. soldiers in Iraq.[2] But according to NBC News, it was Bush who in 2002 and 2003 rejected three plans to strike and neutralize Zarqawi because he believed a successful strike would undermine the public case for targeting Saddam Hussein.

As NBC News reported, "Long before the war, the Bush administration had several chances to wipe out his terrorist operation and perhaps kill Zarqawi himself - but never pulled the trigger." In June 2002, the Pentagon drafted plans to attack a camp Zarqawi was at with cruise missiles and airstrikes. The plan was killed by the White House. Four months later, as Zarqawi planned to use ricin in terrorist attacks in Europe, the Pentagon drew up a second strike plan, yet "the White House again killed it." In January 2003, the Pentagon drew up still another attack plan, and for the third time, the White House killed it.[3]According to NBC, "Military officials insist their case for attacking Zarqawi's operation was airtight, but the administration feared destroying the terrorist camp in Iraq could undercut its case for war against Saddam."[4]Zarqawi is thought to be at least indirectly responsible for hundreds of U.S. casualties. Just yesterday, Zarqawi's terrorist group beheaded an American civilian in Baghdad.[5]Sources:1. "President's Remarks to the General Conference of the National Guard Association of the United States," The White House, 9/14/04, "Going after Iraq's most wanted man," The Christian Science Monitor, 9/21/04, "Avoiding attacking suspected terrorist mastermind," NBC News, 3/02/04, Ibid, "Zarqawi Group Beheads U.S. Hostage Armstrong," Reuters, 9/20/04, for more about Bush Administration distortion. »

Monday, September 20, 2004

W: What a Fool Believes (jobs, taxes, et al)

The Flip-Flopper in Chief's Flip Flop of the Day

PROMISE: "...My jobs and growth plan would reduce tax rates for everyone who pays income tax..." -- George W. Bush, President’s Radio Address, April 26, 2003

REALITY: About 8 million lower and middle-income taxpayers got no tax cuts at all.

Bigger Flip Flops Required for W

The Flip-Flopper In Chief's Flip Flop of the Day

Then: BUSH PLEDGES NOT TO TOUCH SOCIAL SECURITY SURPLUS: "We're going to keep the promise of Social Security and keep the government from raiding the Social Security surplus." [President Bush, 3/3/01]

Now: BUSH SPENDS SOCIAL SECURITY SURPLUS: The New York Times reported that "the president's new budget uses Social Security surpluses to pay or other programs every year through 2013, ultimately diverting more than $1.4 trillion in Social Security funds to other purposes." [The New York Times, 2/6/02]

Use This When FlipFlop Talk Starts

The Flip-Flopper in Chief's Flip Flop of the Day"

In 2000, Bush argued against new military entanglements and nation-building. He's done both in Iraq."

- The Associated Press, Sept. 13, 2004

George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass