President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Spin: Did Kerry say that? No, it's all Spin

What WAS said:

"Every performer tonight in their own way, either verbally or through their music, through their lyrics, have conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country."
-- Kerry, July 8

What was NOT said:

"The other day, my opponent said he thought you could find the heart and soul of America in Hollywood."
-- Bush, Aug. 18

W: Over 1000 Soldiers Dead

A lot is being made of this number and it is not insignifigant; each and every loss is signifigant. If this was the fallout of the true cause of danger and insecurity for our country I would have to accept the fact that this was necessary. I look at the picture below and I CANNOT.

George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass