President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Monday, November 01, 2004

Get Your Outrage On: WI Students Forced to Wear W Shirts

We hate the phrase "Free Speech Zone" because that should describe the ENTIRE NATION, not some off the beaten path location that our fearless "leader" will never ever see (or realize exists.....)

King George Abuses 1st Amendment at Wisconsin High School - Students Told to Wear Bush Shirts

John Nichols: "Tom Jefferson argued that the rebellion against King George III was unfinished business. (He) went so far as to suggest that the tree of liberty would need to be watered every 20 years or so with the blood of patriots.

When another King George brought his royal tour to southwestern Wisconsin Tuesday, high school students in Richland Center got a powerful lesson regarding the difficulty of stamping out the regal impulse in the lesser leaders of our age. The Bush campaign rented the local high school and applied the divine right of kings - or at least one ill-prepared and inarticulate boy king - to a public school.

Richland Center students were informed that they could attend the audience with His Highness only if they donned a Bush for President T-shirt or so-called 'neutral clothing.'

What they could not wear was any clothing that promoted the cause of any dissenter to the rule of King George. If they showed up dressed inappropriately they would be removed..."

So.... are you pissed yet? Good, let's cure this kind of crap tomorrow please.

Cheneyburton Comes Alive! Plays Budokan or Abu Graib?

1st thing 1st: VOTE! Then say "Goodnight Dick"

It's so hard to ignore something so sleazy and cozy at our collective expense:

Vice President Dick Cheney has insisted that criticism of his former company Halliburton is unwarranted and politically motivated. On October 5th, at the vice-presidential debate, Cheney said, "the reason they keep mentioning Halliburton is because they're trying to throw up a smokescreen. They know the charges are false...there's no substance to the charges."[1]

The FBI isn't so sure. It was revealed Thursday that "the FBI has expanded its investigation of Halliburton's work in Iraq to determine if the Pentagon improperly awarded no-bid contracts."[2] In June it was reported that, according to an Army Corps of Engineer's email, a multi-billion dollar no-bid contract for Halliburton "had been 'coordinated' with the office of Vice President Cheney."[3]

Sources: 1. "The Cheney-Edwards Vice Presidential Debate," Commission on Presidential Debates, 10/05/04,
2. "FBI expands Halliburton probe - report," CBS, 10/28/04,
3. "E-Mail Links Cheney's Office, Contract," Washington Post, 6/2/04,

George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass