Last Night
Missed Kerry's speech last night; was it good? does it matter?
The RNC spin machine is so busy and they have a finished product going out as soon as it ended I'm sure. That Ralph Reed is the smarma-type of that operation; crush your hopes and keep you on the run mentally, afraid to consoder anyone but their Sphere-less Lead-Or...
How can anyone defend George W. Bush? All those things he did/does may not matter UNLESS you run for president; AWOLcocaineDUIcutbenefitsHALLIBURTONhugedeficitsENRONopenforeststodevelopmentBIGOIL
If the worst happens and they were somehow (drop Cheney) re-elected, I can't see them making it to the end of that term. There's too much out in the open now.
The spin machines must capture the imaginations of all those who choose not to pay attention. These people will simply make their decision as if it were simply detergents making contradictory claims as to who has the better product.
If we're so much safer now, why doesn't the so-called terror alert system reflect this and stand down to a safe reading?