President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Monday, September 20, 2004

Bigger Flip Flops Required for W

The Flip-Flopper In Chief's Flip Flop of the Day

Then: BUSH PLEDGES NOT TO TOUCH SOCIAL SECURITY SURPLUS: "We're going to keep the promise of Social Security and keep the government from raiding the Social Security surplus." [President Bush, 3/3/01]

Now: BUSH SPENDS SOCIAL SECURITY SURPLUS: The New York Times reported that "the president's new budget uses Social Security surpluses to pay or other programs every year through 2013, ultimately diverting more than $1.4 trillion in Social Security funds to other purposes." [The New York Times, 2/6/02]


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George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass