President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

W: Flip-Flop - Gas Prices & What Prez Should Do

The Flip Flopper in Chief's Flip Flop of the Day

THEN: Bush promises to force OPEC to lower prices."What I think the president ought to do [when gas prices spike] is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots...And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price." – George Bush, 1/26/00

NOW: Bush refuses to pressure OPEC leaders to lower prices.With gas prices soaring in the United States at the beginning of 2004, the Miami Herald reported the president refused to "personally lobby oil cartel leaders to change their minds." – Miami Herald, 4/1/04


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George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass