Strong Bush Defender Now Endorses Kerry
Prominent Conservative Andrew Sullivan Endorses Kerry
Yesterday, Andrew Sullivan, the highly influential conservative commentator and blogger, endorsed John Kerry for president. Sullivan rejected George Bush's leadership after endorsing him in 2000 and vociferously defending his early administration. When opinion leaders on the right like Sullivan start pulling for Kerry, it's clear that the tide is turning in our favor.
Excerpts: "Domestically, Kerry is clearly Bush's fiscal superior. At least he acknowledges the existence of a fiscal problem, which this president cannot. In terms of the Supreme Court, I have far more confidence in Kerry's picks than Bush's. In 2000, Bush promised moderate, able judges; for the last four years, he has often selected rigid, ideological mediocrities." "Kerry has endorsed democracy as a goal in Iraq and Afghanistan; he has a better grasp of the dangers of nuclear proliferation than Bush; he is tougher on the Saudis; his very election would transform the international atmosphere." Read the whole endorsement here:
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