President Bush: Don't Let the Door Hit You In the Ass

Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete

Vigilance doesn't cover it completely; you have to be a walking encyclodia of factoids to hurl around as election year projectiles in lieu of civil discussion with the other side. Which is news and which is talking point turned into news; in lieu of news, in lieu of answers, is this milieu.

That radio screech portrays any opposition as un-patriotic; do they even have a remote notion what this country was built on and what we fight for? The right to say what you think freely is central to our way of life. It's also checks & balances for the whack jobs who want to run the place. (potentially into the ground)

Urge everyone to vote; even the most unlikely people.

I re-distribute political emails and blog nearly each day; like 1972, I feel part of the process. I don't think it's an option this time. We must prove that we're average people, save for the fact we're really angry about our country being in a ditch without so much as a stammered explanation from the mis-leader. In fact we deny the ditch is there....

Now we're safer? Don't give me elevated yellow and call it rain, and don't ever sing on camera again; the dead guy was better looking too.

rock on and vote out the W


At August 9, 2004 at 9:16 AM, Blogger Timbre4 said...

Memo to Bill O'Reilly

No, you shupup.


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George Bush: Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass